
By Arachne

Homo Storiens

As homo sapiens, we are misnamed. It's quite possible that our toolmaking predecessors were wiser. But we are most certainly storytelling - as a very fine end to a tedious day proved.

I started by trying to shop (I loathe shopping and am very seriously out of practice) for things I will need in the next month or so (this will become clearer in time) and did much, much better in charity shops that in 'proper' ones.
Then I tidied and cleaned some of the house (tidying is kind of OK if I'm in the right mood but I dislike cleaning) - out of respect for a visitor I was expecting, but who didn't show up. Ah well, some of my labour might be appreciated by the visitors I am expecting next weekend.

But this evening? Please, if you possibly can, go and hear the poet and much more, Luke Wright, on his Silver Jubilee tour.  Few people can enhance (the word is definitely not 'reduce') me to tears of empathy three times in 65 minutes and to laughter even more often. His storytelling is subtle, funny, astute and heart-rending. His sculpting of words is awesome. You do not need to like poetry to hear him - you just need to be homo sapiens (well, an English-speaking one, with full appreciation of all vocabulary).

Black and white in colour 286

22 May – LIVERPOOL, Leaf (WOW Fest)
23 May – GRIMSBY, Dock’s Academy,
24 May – NORWICH, Norfolk & Norwich Festival
5 June – CHELMSFORD, Theatre Studio
6 June – POOLE, Lighthouse
7 June – CARDIFF, Sherman Theatre
12 June – NOTTINGHAM Poetry Festival
20 June – IPSWICH, Wolsey Theatre

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