
By fennerpearson


Our friends Keith and Annette are coming to stay this evening and so we've been making the house presentable (or the downstairs, at least). 

One job that really needed doing was the mowing of the back garden, so I made an early start on that, with occasional supervision from the local wildlife. 

Man, it was a big job, and I needed to empty the lawnmower really often. And as it took longer than I expected, encroaching into the working day, I started to interrupt the task at hand with work calls and email.

Still, no school distractions, today, so I was able to get a fair amount of work done once the lawn was finally done before setting about rustling up a lasagne, which was ready to go in the oven just as our guests arrived. 

And from there we had an enjoyable and relaxed evening. I'm not sure anyone noticed the lawn but the lasagne went down a treat.

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