
By Jamjar

9am and they're off! My job today was Marshall, one of two at the start, so I stood and clapped encouragingly. I even clapped someone who'd finished and was on his way to his car! From there I drove to the Mind shop and worked a couple of hours, not very successfully because I'd forgotten my glasses.

A big shop in Asda because they do stuff that Tesco doesn't, then home for lunch. Then I walked to the allotment yet again, I even did a bit of digging, but only a bit.

Both my son and daughter had posted photos of the Northern Lights from Derby and Swansea respectively. Damn, I was asleep at that time! I'll see if I can stay up a bit tonight with my fingers crossed, although I've got to be up early as we're going climbing.... scary, I've only done one route this year, and haven't led anything since October.

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