
By tridral

Gorwedd i lawr ar ôl diwrnod prysur

Gorwedd i lawr ar ôl diwrnod prysur ~ Lying down after a busy day

“Whatever we do is sacred. The way to develop that attitude is by seeing things as they are, by paying attention to the energy of the situation, and by not expecting further entertainment from our world. It is a matter of simply being, being natural, and always being mindful of everything that takes place in our day-to-day life.”
― Chögyam Trungpa 

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Roedd diwrnod prysur heddiw, a diwrnod yn llawn o law hefyd. Roedden ni'n symud llawer o gelfi (rydyn ni'n gwneud hynny llawer) i fyny ac i lawr y grisiau. Rydyn ni'n meddwl bod y tŷ yn well ar ôl y symudiadau, ond mae rhaid i mi atgoffa fy hun bod does neb yn gofalu, ac eithrio ni. Gwir safbwynt ar waith y dydd…!

Es i i'r pentref i gael gosod rac ar y beic i'w wneud yn fwy diogel i gludo plentyn. Felly seiclais i'r pentref ac yn cerdded adre, yn ddiweddarach cerddais i i'r pentref ac y seiclo adre. Roeddwn i wedi blino ar ddiwedd y dydd ac angen gorwedd i lawr fel fy hoff angel.

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Today was a busy day, and a day full of rain too. We were moving a lot of furniture (we do that a lot) up and down the stairs. We think the house is better after the moves, but I have to remind myself that no one cares, except us. A true perspective on the day's work…!

I went to the village to have a rack fitted to the bike to make it safer to carry a child. So I cycled to the village and walked home, later I walked to the village and cycled home. I was tired at the end of the day and needed to lie down like my favourite angel.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Cerflun angel wedi cwympo yn y fynwent
Description (English): A fallen angel statue in the cemetery
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