
By tridral

Rhy cymhleth i fi

Rhy cymhleth i fi ~ Too complicated for me

“All perception is selection, and all photographs, no matter how objectively journalistic the photographer's intent, exclude aspects of the moment's complexity.”
― Sally Mann

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Etifeddais gamera fy ewythr, gyda pha rai y cymerodd lawer o ffotograffau da, gan gynnwys un ohonof yn dri diwrnod oed ( Ond dw i ddim yn meddwl fy od i'n gallu dilyn yn ei olion traed, mae'r camera yn rhy cymhleth i fi. Felly mae amser i ollwng gafael, yn rhoi'r camera i siop elusen, ac yn gobeithio bydd rhywun yn mwynhau ei ddefnyddio. Bydda i yn parhau i ddefnyddio camera digidol, ac wrth gwrs fy ffôn

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I inherited my uncle's camera, with which he took many good photographs, including one of me at three days old ( But I don't think I can follow in his footsteps, the camera is too complicated for me. So it's time to let go, give the camera to a charity shop, and hope someone will enjoy using it. I will continue to use a digital camera, and of course my phone

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Hen gamera 'Miranda'
Description (English): Vintage 'Miranda' camera
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