Daylight robbery

While I was getting ready this morning, Alan shouted me to come and see the squirrel in the garden. By the time I got there, Monty the cat had scared him off, but a little later he was back and on the garage roof. I quickly got my camera and opened the back door without him seeing me, and I watched as he saw my bird feeder which is stuck on the garage window.

It was amazing to watch him trying to work out how he could get the nuts - he jumped down off the roof onto the garden chair, then climbed onto the back of the chair, but still couldn't reach. I managed to get lots of photos of his antics but love this one where he's stood listening. I think Monty was lurking nearby!

Anyway, we've done a lot of running around today - we took 4 boxes of glasses & kitchen items to a charity shop, did another tip run and then went into town to pick up a few essentials. As it was lunchtime we decided to get something to eat and came across Recipease which is one of Jamie Oliver's places. It was really good food and very quick service and what can only be described as communal dining due to the big tables. It was a great find and we'll definitely be going back.

We're doing a bit more sorting now we're home and then getting ready to head back to Belgium for a couple of days tomorrow. We need to finalise a few things over there and then we'll be bringing Louis home with us. It'll be nice to see him again, although Mary has been sending us lots of photos :-)

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