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By MildlyOffensive

A Portrait of the Artist...

I'm feeling a little sorry for James Joyce, as the title of this magnificent book is totally overused.

Moreover, I'm not an artist and - strictly speaking - that probably not even counts as a portrait. So that is a picture of myself in traditional Bavarian mens' clothing: chequered (or plain white) shirt, knee-length leather trousers made of deer skin (Lederhosn), two-part socks (or long socks that cover your calves) and Haferlschuhe. The belt is not necessarily traditional - the right thing to wear would be suspenders.

It's the last day of the very last beer festival of the season and my first self-portrait (if you don't count that one).

The beautiful thing about taking a self-portrait with a DSLR camera without a remote shutter control is, that the camera conceals the biggest part of your face.

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