living in a glass house

By DandelionTree


We have had a busy, fun, crafty day today!

This morning was spent at HE group doing magnet exploration and making paper aeroplanes. The biggest hit was rainbow rice on the magnet table, at any point there were several children around and on top of the table having the best time scooping the rice and finding small metal objects hidden in it with their magnets. I should have definitely brought the play tray as I underestimated the amount of interest! Even Monkey played in it for a good long time without chucking it around, which he usually does straight away.

This afternoon we did some "Hungry Caterpillar" activities as we've been reading the book. Chickpea made a cucumber and pepper caterpillar and then ate it. She also drew a picture of herself and I had to share it as I think it's the first one she has made of herself and it is wonderful! And she's been enjoying being able to write her name as well.

Monkey sang the line "round and round the garden like a teddy bear" today. Well, sort of- we could tell it was and it was a long line to remember!

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