hard pleasures

By aonon56

PROTIV (Against)

Croats are having referendum today on should the Constitution have the provision that marriage can be heterosexual only. Referendum was initiated by well organised group backed by Catholic Church and all right wing and nationalist parties, as a preemptive strike that should prevent gay marriage in the future although that ( gay marriage ) was not on the Governmental agenda. The organisers saw what has happened in more liberal European countries and wanted to prevent this happening here. Initiative for the referendum ( and the referendum question ) was named For the Family ( Za obitelj thus everyone who wants to keep Constitution is voting against (PROTIV . With no participation threshold at all ( so constitution can be changed with only one citizen participating ), vote on Sunday when people will hear from the pulpit to go and vote it is almost certain that initiative will succeed. Liberal Croats see this as just a beginning of the ultra conservative trend, because at the same time there is another initiative going on with aim to ban Cyrillic ( used by Serbs) so next thing could be anti abortion, who knows what after that...Some people are comparing this to 1933 which is probably too extreme but trend is worrying.
This is a third referendum in recent Croatian history, with first we became independent, with second two years ago we lost that independence by joining EU and now this..Like the snowman on the photo Croatia is going downhill

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