My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972


Well it was so hard to know what to photograph today that i did lots lol, water drops on cds, water drops on feathers, water dripping from the tap onto anything to cause a splash. Then i came in to the lounge and caught my daughter Olivia having a quiet moment drawing on her chalk board, i just love her face.

I wanted to also try and get Thomas and Olivia together but not always easy, i hope to get that shot one morning for you.

Im really loving Blipfoto as it gets your mind working and everything around you is saying 'Hey pick me pick me' lol. I must go through what i have taken in the last 2 hours now. My son is out swimming with his dad and olivia is still having fun with her toys.

Thankyou for passing by my Journal and have a great day.

Vicky. x

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