Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

For the WIN!

Went to the Arcade Fire show about 15 minutes outside town. It was meant to be in support of Barack Obama, but we just wanted to see a great band for free.

Went to the show with Shaun and Kat. Their blips are from the show, too. Duh. :P

Waited in line for 3 hours and managed to get this shot of the lead singer, Win. Yes. His name is Win. And this picture is completely untouched. I didn't even crop it. I mean, i did, then i hated the way it looked. Caught this just as Win was turning back around to wave goodbye to some of his fans.

At the concert:
*best...saxaphone...i've ever heard.

*Crowd Rockin' Out!

*Win on Stage!

*Will on Stage!

*Brothers in the Band

I am officially in love with Arcade Fire now. Thanks, Shaun.

She sat down at her usual table. The waitress was new. And obviously stressed. Poor girl. She would eventually learn that not everything was as important as the customers demanded. The girl took out her camera and journal. She set her camera on the table and checked the display. Perfect.

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