Murron's reflection.

Murron was sitting cross legged on the floor lit by a small lamp that sits by my bed. I saw her reflection caught in some glass propped up against the wall and snapped her lost in thought. Just after I took it she reached out to touch the light and burnt her finger - a nasty big blister appearing in seconds. When I asked her why she touched it she said 'My thoughts just took me there.' I kind of know what she means, how we get so completely lost in the moment that we don't fully realise what we are doing. Instinct should have told her not to touch and yet somehow the pattern of her thoughts made her reach out. We put some 'magic' cream on and I said rather lamely that she had learnt a lesson. She replied 'Yeah, not to think so hard' which made me smile because it wasn't the answer I was expecting.

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