Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Words of Wisdom

Arriving at Perth station in the dark and blipless my words of wisdom to a serial early blipper were coming back to haunt me. "Live dangerously, you never know what might turn up and there's always the emergency sunset or car head/tail light trail blip".

Fortunately for me there was an exceedingly large goods train parked up, carrying some exceedingly large yellow pipes. Now there's an interesting blip! - well it might be if I give it a severe crop.

The gricers were out in force today, it could be half term, but most seemed well beyond school age, perhaps it's the teachers. Saw one dad giving our engine a once over and pointing out it's finer points to his son. Strange hobby, but so's driving across the country to find a Lesser Yellowlegs, so I'll keep my stones to myself - each to their own.

More Words of Wisdom now - never have a preconceived idea for a blip, it won't turn out as you expect. So tomorrow look out for my blip of a waxwing. There's been a huge influx of them and I've never seen one. OrcadesDays got lucky yesterday, it'll be my turn tomorrow - watch this space.

The exceedingly large yellow pipes are exceedingly more interesting when viewed Exceedingly Large.

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