Huge Waves

In true British style, I'm going to discuss the weather. It's windy and wet and very bitterly cold. Icy cold.

Not one to miss an opportunity, I headed to one of my recent blip locations (seen here and here) only I got scared on the way down. The waves were amazingly high. Loads of people were in the car park watching them. They were rising a good 40-50ft in the air without hitting into anything (perspective on this shot maybe warped as I was higher than sea level,waves going higher than me!) but when crashing into the cliffs which are around 100ft high, they were going over the top at points (can see where it's been)

I got back in the car to drive to the bottom car park toget the blipped shot. I decided to brave getting out at the bottom to get a shot, the lone fisherman there told me to be careful. I wasn't brave enough to go along to where the sunny shots were taken and it's a good thing too. I'd been there about 5 mins, when this wave crashed over right where I'd stood. This one is a good 50ft above sea level (I'm standing on a pier thing taking it) and very ferocious. I was totally covered in foam that was flying everywhere, and quit before I actually got blown away!

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