I'm currently a college Sophomore. I'm a Sociology Major and a Photography Minor. I attend college out-of-state, so you'll probably hear me rant about that once in a while. I'm a martial artist (Shotokan Karate), a video gamer, an artist, a student, and a dog person. My hobbies i Read more...
I'm currently a college Sophomore. I'm a Sociology Major and a Photography Minor. I attend college out-of-state, so you'll probably hear me rant about that once in a while. I'm a martial artist (Shotokan Karate), a video gamer, an artist, a student, and a dog person. My hobbies include photography, drawing, writing, gaming, practicing karate, reading, sarcasm, and taking long walks on the beach after candlelit dinners. What, too much?
You can find my work at my deviantart, Side-Real.deviantart.com.