
By lifeandstuff

just wandering.....

"If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. " ~Andy Rooney

Lovely sunny day again today. Loving this weather.

Took the wee one for a wander into Stockbridge, one of my favourite areas of the town. We went for lunch, and wandered around, with all the time in the world. Today was one of those days when she was just a joy to be with. I had forgotten what it was like, having had a moany and snotty child for the last three months. This weekend she was completely back to her lovely wee self.

We went for a walk along the water of Leith, I tried to get a decent photo of one of the much blipped Gormley sculptures, but the sunlight was right in my camera, so none of them turned out well. I loved the walk though. It is very rare that I have time to do not a lot but just enjoy the nothingness. We walked, she ran, I took in the silence, other than her tiny voice singing. A really beautiful day.

tonight I was meant to go to a seminar at a local college. One of our industry's heros was meant to be on stage, so we had been told. So we went along to see him. Turned out it was students, none of which I know, showcasing their work, and he was a judge. It was pretty dull, so we sneaked out. Oops. Well, it was going to be very long, so we came home. Ah well, here I sit, with a pint of apple cordial, with hubby and the tv. Looking forward to a good week.

Hope you all had a lovely Monday! :)

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