46 Oh no! It's a blackbird
Yes, a handsome one in my garden. But those of you who have been following my challenge will know the significance of this: it is my last "banker" and I'm at number 46, so the pressure is on for the next 4 days to get to 50. I went on an expedition around a few parks in Sheffield, starting at Millhouses, where I followed the River Sheaf a short distance. I thought things were going well when the first bird I spotted was a kingfisher, but there was very little around (apart from 7 mandarins - honestly, never seen one in my life until last week, then all of a sudden 7 come at once!). I went up to Western Park in the hopes of seeing a thrush, as I had seen a couple there last week, but no joy. I was briefly tormented by a wren in the undergrowth in Crookes Valley before throwing in the towel and resigning myself to this blackbird in the garden - taken as back-up in the morning before I went out. So near yet so far... will I make it to Friday....? Watch this space, if you have nerves of steel!!!
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