chick flicks.............

By chickflicks

Having spent all day at home with my unwell wee boy, it was blissful to get along to my jewellery class this evening and get stuck into making my first piece of silver jewellery. Its by no ways finished, but decided to share where i'm at so far with my necklace design. It's looking a bit dull just now as it needs to be filed at edges and polished up and all joined together with jump rings etc, but getting there.

I absolutely love my jewellery class. This was week 5 and I look forward to going every monday evening. Its "me" time, and I feel i have found something that I really enjoy doing and look forward to learning much more with time. xx

p.s. Again taken this pic on my phone - i think i need to start saving my pennies for a nice new camera to take some good pics. x

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