Lynn's Photo Fun

By nuttymartini

4 times

Today I had my pre-op and blood was drawn. It felt as though she went through the vein, what they call a blown vein. The little needles they use for sticking you these days are nothing compared to the horse needles they used to use. And yes, some people are much better at sticking and hitting a vein than others.
BUT 4 times she tried and she was scolded by her boss. What about me? I have 4 hugh bruises on my arms. Well, this will be the least of my worries this time next week when they saw out my knee and replace it.
I'm trying to remember how good it will feel in a few months. So I took this picture to add to my personal journey of aging.

I am a world-class weenie when it comes to letting people stick needles into me. My subconscious mind firmly believes that if God had wanted us to have direct access to our bloodstreams, He would have equipped our skin with small, clearly marked doors.
Dave Barry

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