
By wonderfulworld

Onion Rings

I had heard about these from SamIam and it must have lodged somewhere in my brain to get a pair if I ever happened upon them.

I did happen upon them and now onion chopping is not the painful, tear inducing, chore it used to be.

I had tried all the tricks before: washing the onion after peeling it, not cutting off the ends, cutting lengthwise, holding a spoon in my mouth, holding my nose (difficult to do while chopping, even tried a peg!), wearing a motorcycle helmet and swimming goggles.....

No, these are the only thing that has worked. No more onion tears. And just so as I look totally ridiculous while cooking, they are pink. A small price to pay.

Thanks to all blippers who celebrated with me on my gold camera. You're a great bunch....you bring tears to my eyes!

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