wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


Today I'm desk bound as I grapple with the mysteries of the laws of evidence. And since I promised not to put up too many photos of Pippin, here's a feeble attempt for today. The weather outside is mouldy - rain, wind, a distinct lack of temperature (9°C). It's probably snowing on the mountain, but it's covered with cloud, so I can't even try for a shot of that. So I don't really want to go outside. This is a nail in my window frame. You can see the frame is very weathered and scratched. One of our previous cats used to jump up to this spot (a good 2m off the ground) and hang off the sill at 3am, mewing and scratching until I opened the window. She'd then pull herself up and into my room, jump down onto the floor, hop onto my bed, and curl up in the middle and go to sleep, graciously allowing me a small corner to continue my slumber.

In more exciting news, I put a new camera on layby today. Will hopefully be able to pay it off in a couple of weeks, and then the fun will really start. :D

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