
By worldlens


I sat on the edge of the pond with my 3 foot fishing pole feeling quite silly. The boys all had their 7 foot or longer long poles, reels, and gear. They had caught probably 8 fish already. I think they handed me the pole to keep me busy, so the foreigner on their fishing trip wouldn't get too bored.

Then all the sudden, I interrupted the peacefulness of the afternoon with squeals and screams as I jumped up, yanking the pole with one hand and pulling on my string with the other hand (because my pole was too short to have a reel), all the while, hoping whatever was on the end of my pole didn't escape. It was putting up quite a fight as I tried to get it out of the water. Finally, I basically dragged it out onto dry ground and my friends grabbed it for me. Admittedly, it wasn't the most graceful fishing act anyone has ever seen, but I know it made the onlookers laugh. Yes, the boys used nets and reeled in their fish quite smoothly, but I was caught off guard. Add on to that, all of the Thai words I knew flew out of my head as soon as this all began, so I was resorting to screeching sounds of excitement.

The cause of all this excitement, turned out to be an alright sized fish, which we fried (along with 12 others) for dinner.

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