
By Ilaria

Glasgow Cathedral.....

Long day shift again today! Not home till late!!!Took this from our ward window!!! Not a bad view at 0800hrs from the ward!! Hospital sits right beside Glasgow Cathedral, with the Necropolis behind!!

Had to use iPhone again, as I had to stick my hand out a window that only opens about 3 inches for safety, meanwhile praying I didn't drop the phone!!! Camera too big and needs both hands!!! Lol!! There are always better views and better sunrises, but having to take a photo each day means I have to shoot what I see that day!! This is it!!! And it's really a very lovely sunrise again, and a nice view!!! A great start to the day!!

Have a good day!!!!!!


Now I'm home from work I realise how glad I am I took this shot! Tomorrow will be the last shift I see this view, because we are moving wards this weekend! Have always liked it, but the new ward doesn't look onto the Cathedral, which is quite dramatic!!!

I'm also smiling at the steam billowing out from the side of the spire!!! From the nearby brewery!!!!! It sits down the road behind the Cathedral!!!


Now there's a message!!!


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