
By AnnelieHberg

After a long walk it can be nice to wait for the bus.

I suffer from lack of energy, once again. Just a few days left now until i start work again. Only 4 hours per day so it will be a slow start.

When i took the picture of Evelina the other day i managed to take a picture of her and Maxi as well without them killing eachother... Will be a good memory for the future...

I am trying to hang in here and post my blips... in the same time i try to run my blogg on the swedish photo page and fix with my albums there etc. Soon I cant do both even though I´m not active here. I feel so bad, inside coz you guys still come to visit me here, giving me your nice words and not many of you receive something back. To be honest, it feels really bad.. But i cant do it both, it would mix up my head completely... So the choices are, leave or stay... :(


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