Clean Slate

By cleanslate

Hey Hey! The sun is shining again :-)

It was a really beautiful day in Manchester today. It inspired me to take my camera to work again, which I haven't been doing through the gloom of the winter. This is an old warehouse you can see from no.2 son's nursery's car park, I've had my eye on it for a while - and today I pounced. In fact, I think it wanted to be blipped because initially I took a snatched shot, decided I really should get to work and drove off. However when I stopped at the barrier, there was a taxi in front of me who must have been in the car park too long to get out without paying (you get 20 mins for free) so he got out of his car and wandered over to the pay station about 100 yards away, leaving me stuck behind him. So what does any blipper worth their salt do? Of course, just turn the camera on and take advantage of the enforced inertia. He even came back to the taxi once (almost, but not quite apologetically) to fetch more change for the machine - I mean honestly, what a nerve!! Good job I'm a fairly chilled blipper and not an axe wielding maniacal road rager, or the day may have ended differently for him.

Anyway, in other news, no.2 son had his 2 year check cancelled by a sick health visitor, with about 30 mins notice, which didn't please me excessively. I'm rather expecting a referral to speech therapy and I'd feel better if they just got on with it. After all he was 2 on the 6th January.

And work has been a day where every problem I have tried to solve has just multiplied, rather than resolved. But hey, what are you going to do?? On the plus side I had some nice carrot and coriander soup :-) Of course there is always the teeniest, tiniest chance that no-one in the world cares about that!!

Until another day.........

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