
Quick blip tonight. It's definitely getting lighter in the mornings and when I set out on the bike at 6.15am a promising sunrise was already creeping over the horizon. I tried to up my pace to reach the best vantage point to blip it, but it beat me to it and the colours were already fading by the time I arrived. That got me to thinking that the hares might be about before too long so the challenge is on to get a proper blip of them this year.

Well, meeting after school and mad dash home (well more sedate pedal than mad dash) and, with the sun setting and Pilates looming, I scoured the garden for a subject to no avail. Then there was Tony preparing the veg for the casserole to be eaten on my return from communing with my inner core, so it had to be this!

Spooky synchronicity - just spotted I blipped food same day last year too!

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