Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Knit and Purl your own pets


One of the books Claire's had her eye on arrived.
She's away ahead of herself working out how many woolly chickens she can knit in a week, and how she could design accessories for them.

So I sent her along to her Gran's house tonight to learn the basics of knitting. I have very little experience with knitting and besides I'm a lefty.

When I picked her up she was very buoyant, full of the joys of her new skill, but gradually as the evening wore on I could see that she was moving swiftly from unconscious incompetence to conscious incompetence.

As her mood darkened and the knitting got holier, I made a sharp exit to Yoga.

On returning, the tension has relaxed and she has begun to realise that a bit of practice is required before she starts knitting chickens and puppies and chameleons.

"I think we'll start with snakes,"

Good idea Claire, but first give me a chance to finish the owl costume.

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