Capital adventures

By marchmont

so dad, what will I be when I grow up?

Martha and Gilbert - Helen Denerley's giraffes.

Annabelle cried loudly in the night but I have my pink ear-plugs. I wasn't too happy with myself this a.m. but French lifted me - earnest discussions on Sarkozy's government, the pronunciation of the letter 'r' and the death of Scottish rugby.

I had to see P this afternoon - a new flat off Leith Walk so that meant I could have a foray to John Lewis to look at blinds and curtain material. Wasn't really impressed with the selection but did get a couple of samples. I loved P's wallpaper though - big yellow irises. We used to have the most beautiful Victorian glass screen doors with irises etched on them. They were left in Inverurie. I hope they are still ok.

Spoke to S who is still numb and still off work.

Quiet evening in. Busy day tomorrow.

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