
By ionnature

Signs of the Times

This combination of signs amused me. They reflect the coming of spring, along with the litigiousness of this country. Signs do not prevent lawsuits, however, whether printed or hand-written.

The Leonard Field Ice Rink sign informs people that this is an unsupervised park, children should be supervised, use at your own risk, etc.

The folded back sign on the yellow chain asks that people not walk in the infield on ice, snow, or banks until the ice is ready and the rink is open.

The others you can probably read.

But on a happy note, today is March 1 and Spring will be officially here on March 20 at 7:21 p.m.

From 1970,"Signs" from the Five Man Electrical Band

Three Chicago back-blips start here if you are interested.

Slowly catching up on comments, fyi.

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