happily ever after...

By thir13en

nude model today..

The last time we drew the nude model (the first time, actually)... I was excited, and anxious.. this time I was more relaxed...

the first time I had never drawn a live nude before.. so i was nervous about that.. plus, my new boyfriend was in the class with me.. checking out some naked chic. and honestly, I have an issue with porn... stupid jealousy.. thought i'd be really uncomfortable about it

but i was totally fine with it. by the end i was exhausted, 3 hours of drawing..

this week was more fun, i enjoyed it. i wasnt exhausted by the end. It was enjoyable.

we worked with lighting this week... and i'm terrible with shading.... so i was dreading that... i did the best i could.

we also had to draw 40 hands up close.. which was.. a lot of hands. but i got 97% on them... awesome! the drawing turned out pretty awesome too. but i had to choose between this drawing, and the hands for todays blip...

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