The Lizard Meanders

By lizardmeanders

Petitions to Spring

Yesterday was a positively balmy 72 degrees.
Today it swung 30+ degrees back down.
And guess what, they had to pick today to have a bloody fire drill in my building. We shivered in the wind for a good fifteen minutes before they let us back in.

* * *

Some good news this afternoon - one of the poems in my book Trill & Mordent (WordTech Editions, 2005) has been selected for inclusion in a new edition of Making Literature Matter, a Literature textbook/anthology published and distributed by MacMillan. My publishers at WordTech Editions inform me that I'm to get a royalty check (not a royal sum, but wheeee, it is always an event when us poor poets get paid).

* * *

And here is "Letter to Green", my poem today on Via Negativa.

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