Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Lake Baikal

One of the main reasons for doing this trip was to see Lake Baikal and it didn't disappoint. I'd opted to head to a much more remote village than the other, more touristy option. It was a small, scruffy place and the last stop on the road to this particularly bit of the lake.

I'd never appreciated fresh air as much as when I got out here, after spending 52 hours on a train - the air was pure and clean and plentiful. One of the highlights of my 2 night stay here was my first experience of a Russian banya - something very liberating about being starkers in a wood hut in a remote bit of Siberia, splashing lovely warm water everywhere. Oh and the pure vodka and the mountains of pancakes.

The worst bit by far was having to leave.

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