
By Appreciation


I was at my parents again today. This time with two plasters less.

We were playing who's got the money again. I asked Dad if he would like to sponsor his grand-daughter who was undertaking a sponsored swim with the people she supports. I showed him a newspaper article about it and we read it together. At the end he looked me squarely in the eye and said, as much as I might like to support them, and it does seem a worthy cause, I simply can't because I had no money.

I showed him his wallet, which is not short of a few pennies, and he ignored me. The mere sight of money was not about to fool him. I discussed the christmas present I had bought on his behalf and not received payment for, and he ignored me. There was a glint in his eye and a wry smile though. Daft he is not.

He seemed much better today, and as a result we have put any other options on hold. Pleasing for everyone.

I returned to the harbour. It's definately a cleansing thing now - a walk here before coming home shakes off anything the day may have left with me. I was also keen to see if mo or jo were hiding anywhere. Still posted missing. I thought I caught a glimpse of them just before this shot, I called out, but if they were there, they too ignored me.

I did witness a fabulous seagull dance routine, and have a lovely shot on blipfolio of them squawking and doing a right leg shimme.

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