Mr Sam (nipper of coal-men)
Her is Mr Sam keeping a beady eye on me today. Yesterday he thought to have a wee nip at the coal-man but they did end up friends. He's not a nippy dog, think he just got a fright!
Today was bitty with bits of work done here & there. In the afternoon I had to go to the local primary school to take pics of two visiting musicians playing and singing. The wee ankle biters were remarkably well behaved for a change!
A wee while ago #1 son and #2 daughter came home from Glasgow, he to pick up his car which was getting MOT'd (with us no doubt picking up the tab!) #2 daughter to visit her pals (but she probably had her arm twisted by big brother wanting a lift home to get his car) He was in France for the long weekend and brought me back a present in the form of a wee hand made elephants. I now have a heard of 8 elephants. I used to like pigs too once till eveyone started giving me a bloody pig for birthdays and Christmas, soon I was getting fed up of damn pigs! now its elephants!
Well duty calls, doggies want their 5pm feed and walkies.
Have a pleasant blip day/evening all
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