Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie


We drove all the way to Swaledale today to stay with Ann's sister Jill. This is the view from Jill's garden. I like it in Swaledale because I get taken on lots of lovely walks and there are zillions of rabbits to chase.

However today I was in the car for 9 hours and I did not like that. After all who wants to sit in a car all day and have their walks around service station car parks on their leads. Ann & Jill took me for a walk when we got here. Then I had to be a well behaved dog and stay downstairs while Jill took Ann upstairs to show her all the decorating she's been doing.

Unfortunately I was NOT a well behaved dog. In fact I was the naughtiest I have ever been in my whole life. I went into the kitchen because I could smell mince that Jill was going to make shepherds pie with. Not just any old mince - a whole 1lb of good quality lamb mince from the butcher. Well you can guess what happened. Suffice to say I don't want any of my own dinner??!!

Now Ann and Jill are going to the pub for dinner!

PS - I know they'll take me with them!

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