Blip Challenge

By blipchal

Binary Swans

Here we see two swans stepping us through the binary counting system. They're on 1 at present, but should toggle through to 2 shortly, or 10 as it is really. The reflection is for parity, error checking.

These swans were actually more interested in some crisps a 2 year old was feeding them,hidden behind the glass panel. Nevertheless, I wondered if it was entirely wise. I empathise with this quote (from memory) from one of the funniest books I have ever read:
"I've always had a fear of swans. At an early age, I was told that a swan could break a man's arm with a beat of its wing, and ever since, I thought that's all they did - go around breaking peoples arms" -- Michael Green, The Art of Coarse Sailing

Anyway - I can report no casualties, and the swans went off to invent the transistor I think after this, or was that the light bulb?

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