Chick Flick

By Flick


Archie is OUT OF HIS INCUBATOR !!!! YAY and can wear his OWN CLOTHES!!!! YAY
( please note the blue cardigan he is wearing knitted by a friend is too small already :)))

Unfortunately when I visited in happy, happy anticipation of a much easier and therefore more beautiful photograph what have they stuck on his face? A CPAP continuous positive airway pressure or 'rhinoceros face' as I call it ...

....this may sound strange but I could smell him ... his lovely baby smell AND I heard him cry for the first time too ... tomorrow I am going in in the morning and hopefully his CPAP will be off...

The Rhino is a homely beast
For human eyes he's not a feast
Farewell Farewell you old rhinoceros
I'll stare at something less prepoceros.

Ogden Nash

He is only on the CPAP twice a day now slowly but surely we are getting there..

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