Meester Feature

By Meestermartin

My Dilithium Crystals

Or behind my glovebox.

I am attempting to Be Mechanical. Men, on occasion, feel the need to Be Mechanical.

Some of us succeed; Some of us fail. many of us speak a lot of sh#te to convince our partner that we nearly succeeded but had to, at the very last hurdle, albeit reluctantly, put it in The Garage.

The Garage is another male conversation. It is the last sleazy bastion of sexism. Girls, dress up as a lad or send your Dad. Not ALL.. I know! But many.....

It's strange, but I have never found being the owner of a penis made me more mechanically minded than anyone else. My wife is a mechanical messiah. She does own a pen.

The blower resistor beckons...wish me luck...or the ability to baffle...


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