Doctor D

By DrD


Joe Blip twisted my arm to produce some images from his visit to the surgery today. See also here.Thankfully I managed to complete something decent in the 40 minutes he was here, in addition to these, and a few other photos.

So here it is, after a bit of jigging and poking with the images to create this composite of 2. Its a before and after shot of the same 2 teeth which were treated today. One an old, silver amalgam filling in the molar, and a further hotch potch in the premolar. I hope you agree the finished items on the right look a wee bit better. They are in a considerably healthier state than when we started too!

We did some further close ups, although larger, the focus wasn't quite right, perhaps next time...

I remain to be convinced that blip-land is ready for this Joe, I'll happily be proved wrong!!!!!!

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