Get Back to Me

By GetBacktoMe


Introducing Badger aka 'Mr Brock' on competition days.

We are awaiting the farrier as Badger is due for a hoof trim and new shoes, but I think his mind is on other things:
Why have I been brought in from the field at mid day? Carrots? Hay? A brisk hack? Jumping? A trip out in the lorry? Any one up for a bit of bovver?

If Badger were human he would be teenage hoodie... not seriously bad, but he'd be hanging around the skate park or on the street corner, he likes a bit of a bundle with the lads and loves to show off in front of the girls.

He knows just how far to push things, he'll nip your sleeve, but not your arm, he makes stroppy faces and will turn his back on you, and even threaten to pin you against the stable wall, but if you shout 'BADGERRRRR' you can almost hear him say 'oops, sorry, only messing about.'

Badger is a real fun horse, enthusiastic, brave and handsome - of course.

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