Colorful Life Journey

By suriLife

Taking a Break ...

... I played sudoku.. well, not really playing but trying to exercise my brain more like it!! I took a break from sudoku for nearly a year.. Now, I felt that I need to get back on it since my brain needed some booster.. ahhaaah!!

Well, how about the commode??... Hmmm, I bought the plier of course.. I got frustrated because I can't turn the washer no matter what I did.. I guess, I needed to call Mr. Superman, Mr. Muscleman, or some strong person to turn the washer underneath the tank.. so I did.. called my adopted relative to help me with it.. so I hope he'll come over the weekend to help me with the tight washer.. Dang it!!

Once again, I've to put the stuff aside...

Anyway, I think I need to do some sudoku or listening to "Lollipop" to calm me down ...

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