World Book Day 2011.....

.....erm....but only in the UK and ROI. The rest of the world celebrates it on 23rd April. So, really it was Irish and British Book Day today. We just had to be different, eh?

Is it book day celebration or Halloween?; the pupils and teachers were dressed as their favourite book shortage of Harry Potters, Cruella de Vils (teacher favourite), Percy Jacksons, etc. I don't hold with this modern learning is fun concept, I yearn for those school days of old with rote learning, public humiliation for errors, intimidation and physical abuse.....the good old days.

Positive response too from the Fire and Rescue boys at McDonald Road station. They are going to help us with a Scout fund-raiser in May. Anyone interested in having their car washed by a wet fire-fighter stripped to the waist?*

* or a middle aged, overweight Scout Leader stripped to the waist?

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