Onwards & Upwards

By BeanieButton

And yet more roses!

I really am getting some airmiles out of these!

Today started anxiously for our family and has thankfully finished on a high note. The prognosis is a far cry from the original one that set our lives snowballing a few weeks ago! So today down & tomorrow to go. 1 person whom I love dearly = 2 days in hospital for 2 completely different reasons, both of which left us feeling hugely anxious! Who'd have thought 1 person would be so greedy! ...

And I feel it relevant to mention another family member who got some results back today for a growth she had removed a few weeks back & this has thankfully come back as benign! I'm hoping we're taking our 'poorly' hit all in one go!

So as my album says ... ONWARDS & UPWARDS!

Thank you for all your kind messages for past & present blips, you're words have not only been encouraging but given me strength!

Night blippers!

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