Right Here Right Now

By katesphotos

World Book Day

Today was World Book Day and tradition beholds that the girls go dressed up to school. So here they are, Little Red Riding Hood and The Queen of Hearts.

They looked fantastic and were so excited. It made my day.

I like a bit of dressing up myself so I know where they get it from.

New job started in earnest today, meeting with boss to plan the next 12 months. And on World Book Day in a library I have to organise...

a gig, 2 Battle of the Bands competitions, 2 sleepovers, A light grafitti session with a professional photographer, summer film club for children, evening film club for teens, Yu Gi Oh and Warhammer Club, 2 training sessions for staff, setting up study support sessions and a health and info session for young people....

And no more long weekends for me! Got to work tomorrow and Monday!

It's good to be a librarian.

"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life"

Sweet Dreams

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