
By nicky


I got home from my Japanese class tonight (where I am failing miserably) to find two surprises - one nice, one not so nice.

Let's start with the nice one. I got a package in the post today containing two cutlery trays for my new kitchen - not very exciting, I know, but still, a nice surprise as I had sort of forgotten about them.

The second surprise was to open my kitchen cupboard where I keep the bin to find that something had been having a very nice meal on my old chicken bones. Fortunately, the ;something' was not still around so I have now emptied the cupboard, thrown away the rubbish (note to self - throw away rubbish sooner in future), washed out the cuboard, looked down the back of the cupboard with a torch and mirror to see if there was any other evidence (fortunately, there wasn't - not even any droppings) and now I will leave the cupboard empty and hope that the 'something' gets bored and goes to find someone else's rubbish to chew. What a pain! I could put a trap down but the thought of a dead mouse in a trap freaks me out - I wouldn't be able to open the cupboard to look and see if I'd caught one, never mind dispose of it. Let's hope my plan works.

I hope for nicer surprises tomorrow.

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