Pixel Smiths

By pixelsmiths


My new gear arrived today, a brand spanking 40D. It's amazing.

Sadly, this means it's time to retire my 20D which has been a brilliant camera and captured many thousands of images. This camera alone is responsible for reigniting my interest in photography, joining Blip was a later by-product.

I decided some time ago I wouldn't in fact upgrade, although I wanted to, but felt I couldn't justify the cost. The 20D after all is a great quality machine. However, the price was right on the 40, and so the deal was done.

It's been a busy day so I haven't had a chance to even look at the manual, only to charge the battery, however a number of things about 40D strike you immediately.

1. It's bigger
2. It has a Nikon'esque shutter noise
3. It cleans the CCD as you shut it down
4. The screen is amazing!
5. The motor drive and buffer is incredible.

It's these last 3 points that made me do it. However, at the end of the day the camera will only do as I ask so my photography is not about to drastically improve, I simply now have a better tool.

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