Trial and Error

By DawnC

Junior Masterchef

Spring has definitely arrived: not only did the boys get out of bed after only two shouts this morning, but they made their own breakfast and even sang songs while they did so! Here is Son 2 in action (Son 1 said, "Keep that camera away from me, I've got bed hair!" and leapt out of shot).

Meanwhile, Basil seems to have an abscess on his paw and doesn't want to walk anywhere at the moment so it's off to the vet for him.

It turns out Basil has 'itchy foot syndrome' (not the official name), which is just an allergy-type thing Westies are prone to. He's been given anti-inflammatories, antibiotics, and has to have his feet bathed twice a week for two weeks. At the vet's he bit the vet (in retaliation for him squeezing his painful paw), let out a blood curdling yelp before the needle went in, and cocked his leg on the Reception desk. Bless him.

* At Chapel Common afterwards I managed to get this shot of a deer, which I'm quite pleased with.

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