Painting the Town

Today was designated for bike cleaning. However when it came to the bit, neither of us felt like getting our hands dirty, and so procrastination was the order of the day.

On a trip into the Metropolis, we saw these men painting the Lyceum theatre while they abseiled leisurely down. If you look at it in Large you will notice that the man on the left is called Arthur.

Friday's blip secured.

Otherwise a nothing kind of day, mist and murk, a tea and biscuit at a favourite haunt of Edinburgh blippers, a phone call from the London friend, a visit from the television technology guru, and my elderly lady rant at two students playing football outside the Dower House while the acres of meadows were a stone's throw over the railings.

It did remind me a bit of the elderly ladies of my youth intent on stopping me and my childhood friends from having fun. I can empathise with them now, even if these footballers were not exactly children.

It never fails to amaze me that there are still parents with money, prepared to buy expensive flats for their student children to enjoy a lifestyle which they may never be able to afford for themselves on their future salaries after paying off their university fees. Of course perhaps the fees are also paid for by the parents.

It appears to be a funny old world of haves and have nots.

Tomorrow might be better.

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