At last - the end of another week!
The pic of the buffer under the swing bridge where I live is particularly apt. Part of the role of first line manager is to filter the nonsense transmitted from the office. Seeing the wood for the trees. Sorting the wheat from the chaff. And other such cliches. One tries to make a call about what needs to be passed on to the representatives for their information or what requires them to take some action, whilst shielding them from stuff that will distract them from their core day to day jobs.
This week, more than any other, it seems I have been acting as a buffer between the office, M and the team. There is so much being fired out on email from all quarters and so many questions being asked of me and my team, that there is a temptation to impose some sort of radio silence for a while. Or perhaps don a tin hat. Or make like an Ostrich and bury my head in the sand.
The crackberry says there are 50 unread emails from today...they can wait until Monday! :-)
Hope it doesn't rain this weekend...
- 0
- 0
- Panasonic DMC-LX3
- 1/13
- f/2.7
- 111913mm
- 80
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