To Tamper...

There is an obvious definition of the word tamper. To tamper is to interfere or meddle.

A less obvious definition I've recently learned is to tamper coffee with a tamper.

Do you know what it is and means? A coffee tamper is the device used to compress coffee grounds down into the filter basket to make espresso coffee. I've been looking for one for since I lost the one that came with my machine for around 3 years, but I never knew the name of the thing and typing "coffee ground pusher down thingumy bob" into either Google or E-Bay funnily enough yeilded no results.

The phrase did however work in an outlet of Whittards (High street Tea merchants) I was passing the other day and I came out with a brand new coffee tamper. Got home and what do you know, too big.

Anybody need a coffee tamper?

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